V. Recognizing Legal forms of Identification

1. State Drivers License. When examining the Louisiana State Drivers License, check to see that it has the following:

a. The Louisiana Holographic Symbol. On a valid driver’s license, the holographic symbol forms the background field of the card’s expiration date and drivers date of birth. It is roughly in the center of the card. In the light of a regular light bulb, flashlight, etc., the cared may need to be tilted to cause the image to become visible. 

b. Photo Identification. Each valid driver’s license contains two photos of the person to whom it is issued. One is a standard digital image on the right hand side. The right hand image is free of any text, has clear and defined characteristics, and does not extend to the edge of the card. If the individual is a minor, a red border will completely surround the card. In addition, printed in the upper left of the photo are the words “Under 21”. The left image is smaller and set as a background image. Text such as the Driver’s Name and Address appear over the image. Image quality is poor and faded. A scanned or otherwise illegally produced card will produce an image having text and background images of the same quality. Conventional scanners will either omit the faded image all together or bring it to focus with the text in the foreground. 

c. Signature. A digital copy of the card bearer’s signature will appear in the lower left corner over the left photo. 

d. Magnetic Bar Code. The back of the Louisiana Driver’s License has a magnetic data strip. This strip is clearly taped onto the back of the card beneath the lamination. 

e. Plastic Backing. The Louisiana Drivers information is secured onto a stiff plastic card. A quick flick of the fingernail should determine whether the card is made of a plastic based material or some form of paper product.

2. State Identification Card. For the most part, the State Identification Card closely resembles the Louisiana State Drivers license. Differences between the two forms of identification are noted below.

  • a. Instead of “Personal Driver’s License” written under Louisiana in the upper left corner of the card, the words “Personal Identification Card” are printed.
  • b. The Louisiana Driver’s License offers various classes of licensing: “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “E”. The State Identification card is marked as Class “I”.
  • c. Both the Louisiana State Driver’s License and the Louisiana State Identification Cared have a hologram of Louisiana in the middle of the card.

Written in the background, in bold red letter: “I.D.”. 

Serving Alcohol and Tobacco: Digital ldentification

The Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) offers the following guidelines when accepting electronic identification for the purchase of alcohol and for tobacco products:

  1. LA Wallet is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE form of electronic identification.
  2. It is at the discretion of each business whether they will accept the digital ID.
  3. Businesses required by ATC to utilize ID scanners must still request a physical ID if scanners are unable to read the digital ID.
  4. If the person accepting the digital ID is unable to read it, it will be as if the licensee did not present a driver’s license or ID at all.
  5. All other rules and guidelines still apply when ensuring an individual is of legal age to purchase and/or consume alcohol and tobacco products.

Tips for Checking Digital ID


    LA Wallet was designed so that anyone validating or verifying the information on the app could do so without handling the citizen’s device. Thus, all interactive features are to be completed by the holder of LA Wallet, and not by a law enforcement officer or employee of the establishment.
    The validity of a license in LA Wallet can easily be determined by the green or red line across the top of the electronic license. This line will read “VALID” or “INVALID”, respectively. If the license has NOT been suspended, revoked, or been determined invalid for any other reason, the word “VALID” will be displayed in green.
    The age of the license holder can be determined by the orientation of the digital identification. For individuals over the age of 21, the license will be displayed horizontally. For individuals aged less than 2I, the license will be displayed vertically as represented below:
    LA Wallet contains a “refresh” button which acts as an interactive safeguard. This button enables the holder to contact the DMV and re-validate the license, usually in less than three seconds. The time of the last update will be displayed next to the license, above the refresh button. It is recommended that employees ask holders to “refresh” when presenting the digital ID for the purchase of alcohol and/or tobacco.
    If the employee or law enforcement officer needs to view the license number more clearly LA Wallet is equipped with a “view” button which will then display Driver’s License Number, Date of Birth, Endorsements, and Restrictions with respect to the holder.
    If the employee or law enforcement officer requires further validation that the license is actually in LA Wallet, the user may be asked to show the security seal. The user can press and hold the license on the screen to reveal the security seal.

Forms of acceptable identification in Louisiana

  • Customers must show one of the following when asked to present identification for service:
    • State-issued driver’s license from Louisiana or another state (including duplicates)
    • Special identification card from Louisiana or another state
    • Passport or visa issued by the federal government or another country or nation
    • Military or federal ID issued by the federal government
  • All of the above forms of identification must be current and valid and must include
    • A picture of the person presenting the ID
    • Date of birth
  • The above ID are not valid if they are:
    • Defaced
    • Expired
    • Altered

Tips For Checking ID

Louisiana has a special ID for persons under 21. The license is designed to help you, the server, know that the person cannot purchase alcohol/tobacco products.